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Seeking to understand what God wants us to do in a world where children are suffering and hurting

In a three-month course, learn how to help children at risk. The school is given in different countries.


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An adventure with God awaits

We offer the Children at Risk School for those who want to be used by God to make a difference in the lives of children who are experiencing trauma and injustice.


Learn  from teachers who are experienced in working with children at risk

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Develop your skills and your ministry to children at risk 


Become part of our international YWAM family and make lifelong friends

Come and take the Children at Risk School!
Home Event

Online seminar 
Children at Risk
Module 3

From March 31- april 17 2025, every Monday and Wednesday

We are excited to offer again this online seminar for those who have completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS), the basic school of YWAM and the University of the Nations, AND for people who have not done a DTS, but who have a heart for children and want more training. For more info have a look here!

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Our story

In 1986 a YWAM base was started in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with a specific focus on children at risk: street children, children with AIDs, deaf children and children growing up in the slums.


Various teams started seven different shelters for children in need and four community development centers in slums. At the same time, a growing ministry to children at risk developed in YWAM Hong Kong.

Together they developed, in collaboration with YWAM’s University of the Nations, the Children at Risk School to train their staff and to increase knowledge about working with children in need.


This school is given yearly and has multiplied to several other cities in Brazil and to different countries like South Africa, Australia, Netherlands, and the Philippines.

Home About
“It was such a good school!”

"The Children at Risk School has empowered me to look more holistically at critical issues surrounding those most vulnerable children"

"The school has given me the practical tools to take action and advocate."

“This school changed my views from a “save the child” mentality to “empower, support, and improve families and communities.”  

Start your next adventure with God today!

Choose a country and a city and apply for the Children at Risk School!

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